- Startups have become very popularized
- There's a trailer for an American Idol-type startup TV show
- Problem with Lean: Doesn't really allow for "blue sky" thinking?
- Ideas need to come at the right time
- Only see a limited view at any given time snapshot
- Is starting a "startup" different than starting a "business"?
- Startups need to have a "grand vision"?
- Treating Lean as "gospel" is dangerous
- Process needs to be flexible
- Lean and its process makes a great base for discussion
- Very different environment for businesses now (vs late 90s/early 2000s)
- Faster pace, easier technology
- Value of ideas: Can turn any idea into "something"
- Idea vs. vision
- Idea is just a "spark" that can lead to a full vision
- Twitter has evolved
- Started by a failed podcasting company
- Interviewing is hard
- Lean process reduces risk
- However -- Reducing the risk is not the same as getting to success?
- Starting a startup not "sensible", the sensible thing is to get a job
- Would benefit Ontario if health care software providers followed more Lean principles?
Great to see everyone and really looking forward to the upcoming one year celebration events.
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