- How do you decide what to build?
- Acquisition: Signups
- Activation:
- Subjective: 1 post, 2 posts, a series of events?
- Retention
- How many coming back every X days, X months
- "Active users"
- Referral
- Revenue
- Example: How many signups per blog posting?
- Focus on one metric at a time -- for instance "how do we get people to activate?"
- Activation phase: Need to focus on particular group/niche
- What is that "painful" thing people need to do to set up
- Switching costs
- Revenue: What makes the highest profit?
- Sometimes your metrics are wrong
- For instance, are your activations _really_ activations?
- Metrics: Are you tracking the "offline" parts of the experience?
- Retention: Continued activations
- It's not just one feature -- it's how they all fit together
- Everyone has their one different "one thing"
- You can divide into different users groups, and each one can have their own activation
- Example metric for Basecamp: "User has a conversation"
- You often have to sell to your customer multiple times
- Activation metric should always be testing your _new_ users, not mixed up with existing users
- What set of features provide the most value: to customer, to business
- Which feature is causing us the most problems?
- Start measuring first -- then set goals
SUPER BONUS!!! Live screenshots from PMRobot's custom dashboard.
You can have a look at the type of metrics we currently track.
Click to zoom in.
Recent signups: Note that contact information is right there so we can email for feedback quickly
"Active" users: Currently defined as created more than 7 days ago and logged in within past 7 days
More active users: We use highlighting and bold to show which ones are further along in the process
Organization dashboard: Shows a small subset of "key" accounts